Through the Garden Gate

Sense of Place

Sense of Place

The "Blue House at the Edge of the Forest" site was not selected because it featured opportunities for nature study. It held no plans for literacy, math, or science activities. It was not a classroom moved outside into the forest and yet it is very much in line with what we do every day at our school. The school is designed around destinations and the forest site was chosen because it offered multiple zones for play, because play is what we are after!



Walk towards challenges rather than away and there will be creative growth. That sounds so easy when written here, but we all know that living IN the friction is no easy task. It wears you down, it tires you out, and even worse, it distracts and detracts from seeing successes and observing that yellow spot transforming into the greater thing that is the Sun.

Ready to Launch

Ready to Launch

Aimee Domire, co-President of the Cooperative School shares, “We walk our children through the school’s garden gates with the intention of raising them as learners, growing them as people, nurturing them as friends and community members so we can send them off. We walk our children through the garden gates so that one day they’ll be ready. Ready to go.”