Maybe They Forgot Their Bag

All three age groups often walk to what we call “The Climbing Hill.” It is around 4 or 5 blocks from the school depending on how the classes decide to get there. The Climbing Hill features a steep grade, large lawn, a bush that children climb inside (when there aren’t any nesting birds in it) , and a handful of really good climbing trees. It is bordered by two sidewalks, a hospital parking lot, and connects neighboring streets with a long corridor featuring a bike/walking path and creek.

We are always on the look out for those expanses of lawn — none of us, staff or student, have big lawns at home and the steep, but short, hill is icing on the cake. Children are challenged in just the perfect, bite-sized way, to climb up and then slide or roll down.

The wagon is loaded down with a picnic blanket, first-aid kit, water, and yes, extra bags.

We’ve been going there for years, but beginning two years ago, I suppose with the increase of pet ownership, evidence of dog-walking has become an added, unwanted feature. Trust me, we learned about this the hard way, by stepping in it. Not a fan. And because it felt new, the adults reacted with irritation.

I was grumping around about it one day when we arrived to find at least three piles and a three-year old, holding his elephant blanket, geared up in boots and rain gear ready for the climb up the slippery hill said, “Maybe they forgot their bag.”

So many good things have happened since we shifted focus to an all-outdoor school. These events are sheltered and resonate moments of observation and partnership with the children and this was one!

Why don’t we work and move inside our better natures?!?

Why can’t we see the best intentions in other people?

So now, this child and the others check in with the teachers before we leave the school — “did you pack extra bags?”

Yes, dear children, we have.

And thanks to the City of Takoma Park, there is a garbage can on the way back to school. And there you go. Done and done.

We always bring plastic bags along with us in any case. Now we just bring extra!